Common Issues Related to Accounts Receivable

Common Issues Related to Accounts Receivable

Many businesses have an accounts receivable policy that details when and how much should be billed and when the amount should be collected. Though an essential policy, not every company executes this policy effectively.

If your business has monthly revenue tied up due to overdue invoices, you may be facing some common issues related to accounts receivable, which can affect the amount of liquid cash your businesses has on hand. Outstanding accounts receivable can bottleneck your cash flow and drain the capital needed for investing in new equipment and growth opportunities.

To help you determine if you’re dealing with issues related to accounts receivable, we cover common accounts receivable challenges and how to prevent accounting issues associated with accounts receivable.

Common Accounts Receivable Challenges

Credit can be used to grow your customer base and gain loyalty. If you offer several payment options without a plan in place, your business may face deficiencies in cash flow and jeopardize operations. The following are some of the common accounts receivable challenges you may face:

When you have a well-structured credit policy, you can discern between those who could be great customers and those who may not.

How to Solve Accounts Receivable Issues

Managing accounts receivable successfully is an essential part of running a business. As noted above, several potential problems can arise during the accounts receivable process. If your accounts receivable team is aware of these issues, they can take steps to prevent these issues from arising and ensure your business continues running smoothly.

To help solve these accounts receivable issues, consider the steps below:

No matter which strategy you choose for your accounts receivable, stay on top of this process and quickly take action if any issues arise.

No matter which strategy you choose for your accounts receivable, stay on top of this process and quickly take action if any issues arise. When you do so, you can prevent problems later on.

Effect of Accounts Receivable Issues

There are a few issues that could arise from accounts receivable problems or errors, such as:

How to Prevent Accounting Issues Associated With Accounts Receivable

How to Prevent Accounting Issues Associated With Accounts Receivable

To keep your business successful, you need to receive the payments you’re owed. Late payments can put a strain on your company’s finances, so follow the tips below to prevent accounting issues associated with accounts receivable:

  1. Stay informed: Review the law and stay up-to-date on changes that could impact your accounts receivable process like new regulations that govern debt collection.
  2. Get organized: Getting your accounts receivable organized can help you keep track of which customers owe you money and when their payments are due. Implement a system that enables you to automatically send reminders and follow up with customers with overdue invoices.
  3. Offer discounts: You may be able to encourage customers to make their payments before their due dates by offering a discount. This might allow you to avoid late payments or unpaid invoices.
  4. Send invoices promptly: You may be able to avoid late payments by promptly sending invoices once the work is completed. You could also include late fees in invoices to incentivize customers to make their payments on time.
  5. Utilize invoicing software: With invoicing software, you can easily track which customers owe you and when their payments are due. Use this software to avoid surprises and remain on top of your accounts receivable. If you’ve been relying on a manual method for managing your accounts receivable, now may be the time to make the transition.
  6. Receive a deposit upfront: If you can, ensure you get deposits from customers before you begin working on a project. When you get an upfront deposit, this ensures you are paid at least some amount, even if the customer doesn’t pay the remainder of their bill.
  7. Communicate with customers: Communicate clearly with your customers to ensure they understand the payment options and methods your business offers. Be sure to communicate with any customers from whom you’re struggling to collect payments. The sooner the issue is resolved, the better off your business will be.
  8. State payment policies explicitly: If you’ve been shying away from explicitly detailing your payment policy for fear of losing customers, you may actually be damaging your customer relationships and risking legal complications. Your payment terms should be stated explicitly and clearly, including interest charges and late fees. State your policy on invoices and sales orders, along with including it on your payment portal and website.
  9. Comply with laws for debt collection: Federal and state laws, like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, regulate collection practices. If anyone in your company unknowingly or knowingly violates these laws, your business may be vulnerable to legal action. Train your staff on these laws and keep them up-to-date on any changes. Learn more about Altus’s security compliance.
  10. Create a straightforward payment policy: Ensure your customers are aware of exactly how and when you expect them to pay their bills. Having a clear, straightforward payment policy helps avoid confusion among your customers. This may also make your customers more likely to make their full payments.
  11. Implement a dispute resolution mechanism: Prepare for potential bad debts ahead of time by implementing a process that can quickly resolve disputes.
  12. Request technical or professional assistance when necessary: If your current resources are making it challenging to manage your accounts receivable, seek assistance from a collection agency or update your technology to make the process more efficient.

How to Manage Accounts Receivable

Successful accounts receivable management allows you to promptly collect payments while you maintain a good relationship with each of your customers. Your business can choose from several strategies to manage your accounts receivable, such as offering early payment discounts, sending reminders about overdue invoices, and setting up payment plans.

Some ways you can optimize your accounts receivable process include:

Contact Altus to Solve Accounts Receivable Problems

Contact Altus to Solve Accounts Receivable Problems

At Altus, we provide global commercial collections services and accounts receivable management services. Our team works on behalf of your business to retrieve debt from your customers.

We combine advanced technology with the largest international network of certified, trained professionals to streamline first-party commercial collections and third-party commercial collections at high levels of compliance and security. We can help you gain new levels of control and confidence over your credit-to-cash cycle.

Trust us to boost your organization’s accounts receivables cycle. Contact us at Altus to learn more about accounts receivable management problems and solutions.

Additional Accounts Receivable Resources