Fee Waiver FAQ: Students

You can view fee waiver benefits in your College Board account.

To view the benefits, you must have entered a fee waiver code that you received from your counselor or been approved for fee waiver benefits after completing a fee waiver request form on our website.

If I requested fee waivers benefits using the SAT Fee Waiver Request Form, how will I learn if I’ve been approved?

You should expect to receive an email within 1–2 weeks after you submit your request with a status update.

If I qualify for a fee waiver, are there any types of fees I still have to pay?

Yes. Fee waivers don't cover these optional costs:

Why can't I access the SAT Fee Waiver Request Form?

Students must be logged into their College Board account to access the SAT Fee Waiver Request Form. If you are logged into your account and see a message that indicates you’re ineligible with the Request button greyed out, this could be for one of the following reasons:

  1. You don't meet the grade eligibility requirements.
  2. You already have fee waiver benefits.
  3. You already completed the SAT Fee Waiver Request Form.
  4. Your SAT Fee Waiver Request Form was denied.

You can confirm reasons 2–4 by checking your My SAT account.