Licenses & Certifications

Make sure you understand the different types of licenses and certificates that the state of Maine offers. This is the last step to selling your product, but it's also the most important.



Aquaculture Harvest License

Do I need an Aquaculture Harvest License to sell my product?

Yes, the Aquaculture License is required to harvest and sell farmed shellfish removed from an aquaculture lease or LPA license site.

What does it cost?

An Aquaculture Harvest License cost $133.

What does this license allow you to do?

  1. Sell your own harvested product in the “retail trade” either off your lease site (the sale of aquacultured shellfish is not permitted on LPA sites) or from your home (i.e. to the final consumer).
  2. Sell your own harvested product to a certified Wholesale License holder. (Wholesale license could be with or without lobsters but must have Shellfish Sanitation Certification).
  3. Sell your own harvested product to a Retail License holder WITH an Enhanced Retail Certificate.

How do I apply for an Aquaculture Harvest License?

You can print and fill out this form or use the DMR's online licensing and landings system, called LEEDS (Licensing Enforcement and Environmental Data System). You can use this to apply for a new license or renew a license.

Who should I contact with questions about the Aquaculture Harvest License?

You should contact the DMR Aquaculture Division at [email protected] or call the Licensing Division at 207-624-6550.

Farm or Home Sales

Can I sell my shellfish directly off my farm?

The sale of farmed shellfish is not permitted on LPA license sites. You can sell your aquacultured shellfish directly from an experimental or standard lease provided you adhere to the following:

Can I sell my shellfish from my home?

Yes, you may sell your aquacultured shellfish directly from your home in the retail trade. The sales must be to the final consumer (not for resale), and no delivery is allowed. You will need to record the date and number/pounds of shellfish sold and keep those records for 90 days. In Maine DMR Bureau of Public Health Vibrio areas, home sales are not allowed during the control months (more information on Vibrio areas here).

Wholesale Seafood License (with or without Lobster)

What department in the Maine DMR is in charge of this?

The Maine DMR Bureau of Pubic Health.

Who should have it?

  1. Anyone who wants to sell their aquacultured or wild harvested shellfish to a restaurant that only has a retail license, at a farmers’ market, to a reshipper, or beyond the Maine state limits.
  2. Anyone who wants to sell their shellfish in the retail trade (including roadside), other than their home or lease site.

What is a Wholesale Seafood License?

Regarding shellfish, the holder of a Wholesale Seafood License may, in the wholesale or retail trade, buy, sell, shuck, pack, or ship fresh or frozen shellfish within or beyond the state limits. It also allows the license holder to transport fresh or frozen shellfish within the Maine state limits. Additionally, all these activities need to be authorized by a specific Shellfish Sanitation Certificate. When buying directly from a harvester, a holder of a Wholesale Seafood License may only buy from a harvester who possesses the license or permit for that species. The harvester must make the applicable marine resources license or permit available for inspection upon the Wholesale Seafood License holder’s request. A Wholesale Seafood License authorizes activities at only one establishment (facility) or only one vehicle. If you have more than one you will need a Wholesale Seafood License Supplemental.

Do I need a Wholesale Seafood License Supplemental?

If you have to license more than one facility/vehicle, yes you need a Supplemental License. For example; if your facility is licensed under Wholesale Seafood License then your vehicle will need a supplemental license. Each additional facility and/or vehicle will need a Supplemental License.

What does it cost?

The license itself costs $443 and there is a fee of $87 for each supplemental license, but obtaining a license can be quite expensive because you need to have a certified facility (e.g., cold storage, bathroom, sink) in order to get a wholesale license.

How do I apply for a Wholesale Seafood License?

You can print and fill out this form or use the DMR's online licensing and landings system, called LEEDS (Licensing Enforcement and Environmental Data System). You can use this to apply for a new license or renew a license.

Who should I contact with questions about Wholesale Seafood License?

Melinda Cook (Kennebec River to Penobscot River): 207-557-3558 ( [email protected] )

Richard Riddell (Penobscot River to Calais): 207-667-5654 ( [email protected] )

Shellfish Sanitation Certificates

What department in the Maine DMR is in charge of this?

The Maine DMR Bureau of Pubic Health.

Who should have it?

  1. Anyone who wants to sell their shellfish to a restaurant that does not have an Enhanced Retail License.
  2. Anyone that wants to sell their shellfish at a farmers’ market, grocery store, fish market, and local general store, any retail entity, or from any location other than your home or lease site.
  3. Anyone who wants to sell their shellfish out of state.

What is a Shellfish Sanitation Certificate?

A Shellfish Sanitation Certificate can be issued to a Wholesale Seafood License holder or a Shellfish Transportation License holder and allows the License holder to undertake the following activities: buying and selling, shipping, transporting, shucking, or other processing of shellfish or whole scallops. Obtaining a Shellfish Sanitation Certificate allows the word “certified” to go before the license name, i.e., certified Wholesale dealer. In addition to following the Shellfish Sanitation Certificate guidelines, you need to submit and implement a HACCP plan that is in compliance with the Model Ordinance. There are different types of Shellfish Sanitation Certificates: Shellstock Shipper Certificate ($50 fee), Shucker-Packer Certificate ($50 fee), Shellfish Reshipper Certificate ($50 fee), and Depuration Processor Certificate ($200 fee).

What is a Shellstock Shipper (SS) Certificate?

The Shellstock Shipper (SS) Certificate is the most common certificate for aquaculturists to obtain. The holder of a Shellstock Shipper Certificate may grow, harvest, purchase, store, sell, pack, ship, and transport shellstock (whole live shellfish) in state and beyond state limits. A Shellstock Shipper Certificate holder may purchase and sell shucked shellfish obtained from a Shucker-Packer (SP) Certificate holder but must not shuck shellfish or repack shucked shellfish. A Shellstock Shipper must have a facility for proper storage and packing or repacking of shellstock, including a means of refrigerated storage of shellfish, i.e., a walk-in cooler.

What is a Shucker-Packer (SP) Certificate?

The holder of a Shucker-Packer (SP) Certificate may grow, harvest, pack, purchase, sell, store, hold, ship, or transport shellfish, whether in shellstock or shucked form. A Shucker-Packer may shuck shellfish and repack shucked shellfish obtained from other certificate holders.

What is a Shellfish Reshipper (RS) Certificate?

The holder of a Reshipper (RS) Certificate may sell, ship or transport shucked shellfish or shellstock packed in their original containers, which have been purchased from certified Wholesale dealers to other certified dealers, retailers, or to final consumers. A Reshipper shall not shuck, repack, hold or store shucked shellfish or shellstock for sale, shipment, or transport. A Reshipper may not harvest shellfish or buy from harvesters.

What is a Depuration Processor (DP) Certificate?

The holder of a Depuration Processor (DP) Certificate may cleanse shellfish harvested from approved, conditionally approved, restricted or conditionally restricted areas, using a physical plant and processing methods which are approved by the Commissioner, and which comply with the requirements set forth in the Model Ordinance. The holder of a Depuration Processor Certificate may purchase, receive or harvest shellstock from areas classified as approved, conditionally approved, restricted or conditionally restricted and submit such shellstock to an approved depuration process. The depuration processor may pack, sell, ship, or transport the depurated shellstock. A Depuration Processor shall have a facility, including a means of refrigerated storage of shellfish, such as a walk - in cooler.

How do I apply?

You can print and fill out this form or use the DMR's online licensing and landings system, called LEEDS (Licensing Enforcement and Environmental Data System). You can use this to apply for a new license or renew a license.

Who should I contact with questions about Shellfish Sanitation Certificates?

Melinda Cook (Kennebec River to Penobscot River): 207-557-3558 ( [email protected] )

Richard Riddell (Penobscot River to Calais): 207-667-5654 ( [email protected] )

Certified Wholesale Shellfish Dealer

What is a certified Wholesale Shellfish Dealer?

A certified Wholesale Shellfish Dealer, commonly referred to as a certified dealer, is one who holds a Wholesale Seafood License, with or w/o Lobster, plus has been inspected and certified with a Shellstock Shipper Certificate (SS), Shucker-Packer Certificate (SP), Depuration Processor Certificate (DP), or Shellfish Reshipper Certificate (RS) to allow them to purchase shellfish from a harvester, aquaculturist, or from another certified Shellfish Dealer and sell it in the retail trade.

Why should I sell to a certified Wholesale Shellfish dealer?

Selling to a certified dealer is perhaps the easiest way to get your shellfish to market, and a good way to move larger volumes of product.

What is the Maine Shellfish Dealer Certification and Inspection Program?

The Maine Shellfish Dealer Certification and Inspection Program uses the standards outlined by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) to evaluate and certify all wholesale shellfish dealers in Maine. State law requires harvesters to sell shellfish only to certified shellfish dealers. This does not include restaurants, convenience stores, etc.

Enhanced Retail License

Can I sell my shellfish directly to a restaurant?

Yes, if that restaurant is 1) a certified shellfish dealer, or 2) has a current Enhanced Retail License.

What is a Maine Enhanced Retail license?

This license entitles retail markets and restaurants to purchase shellfish directly from harvesters for retail sales only. State law requires harvesters to sell shellfish only to certified shellfish dealers and this does not include restaurants, convenience stores, etc. The exception to that law is if the restaurant has an Enhanced Retail License. The Enhanced Retail License is for an establishment that sells at a retail level only and does not include wholesale sales. If the restaurant is buying directly from the aquaculturist, the Enhanced Retail License holder must also possess a Primary Buyers Permit (reporting required). The Enhanced Retail also allows the restaurant to then sell the now certified whole shellfish purchased from the aquaculturist in the retail trade in-state only (i.e. to the final consumer). The fee for an Enhanced Retail License is $100 and will be deposited in the Shellfish Fund.

What is the difference between a Retail Seafood License and an Enhanced Retail License?

If a retail business wants to buy shellfish from a certified dealer, they only need the Retail Seafood License, but if a retail business wants to buy shellfish directly from a harvester, they need an Enhanced Retail License.

How do I find a restaurant with an Enhanced Retail License?

The Maine DMR has a list that contains the names and addresses of markets and restaurants that are licensed to purchase shellfish directly from harvesters, then sell them in the retail trade only.

Shellfish Transportation License

What license is needed to transport shellfish beyond Maine state limits?

A Shellfish Transportation License is needed.

What is a Shellfish Transportation License?

The holder of a Shellfish Transportation License may buy certified shellfish and transport them beyond the state limits, to the extent these activities are expressly authorized by a shellfish certificate or its equivalent from another state. All shellfish transported under this license must be procured from a certified Wholesale Seafood licensee. A Shellfish Transportation License authorizes these activities with only one vehicle owned, leased, or rented by the license holder. You need a Supplemental License for each additional vehicle.

What does it cost?

The fee for a Shellfish Transportation License is $529.

Do I need a Shellfish Transportation License Supplemental?

If you are using more than one vehicle to transport shellfish, yes, you need a Supplemental License. The fee for a Supplemental License is $173 for each additional vehicle.

How do I apply for a Shellfish Transportation License?

You can print and fill out this form or use the DMR's online licensing and landings system, called LEEDS (Licensing Enforcement and Environmental Data System). You can use this to apply for a new license or renew a license.

Who should I contact with questions about Shellfish Transportation License?

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Selling Licenses & Certifications Resources

Visit The Maine Aquaculturist’s Guide- Selling Shellfish Flowchart

The Maine Aquaculturist’s Guide- Selling Shellfish Flowchart

This flowchart maps the different licenses you need to have to sell your aquaculture shellfish out of state by mail or by vehicle, and in the state of Maine including selling direct to restaurants, and wholesale distributors, at a farmer's market, your home, and your lease site.

The Maine Aquaculturist Visit Maine DMR Aquaculture Harvest License FAQ

Maine DMR Aquaculture Harvest License FAQ

All holders of aquaculture leases and LPA licenses are required to hold the Aquaculture Harvest License in order to harvest and sell product from their aquaculture sites, regardless of the species they grow. Commercial harvester's licenses now apply to only wild-harvest product.

Visit Guidance to Maine oyster farmers on selling your product in-state

Guidance to Maine oyster farmers on selling your product in-state

Summarizes some simple ways that holders of a valid Maine Aquaculture License can get their shellfish to market.

Visit Maine Enhanced Retail License Holders

Maine Enhanced Retail License Holders

A list that contains the names of markets and restaurants that are licensed to purchase shellfish directly from harvesters, then sell them in the retail trade only.

Visit Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List

Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List

List all interstate certified shippers that can ship fresh and frozen oysters, clams, mussels, whole or roe-on scallops and is published monthly.

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Check out our resources database to see all the resources we've collected around sales — everything from selling guidance to understanding the licenses you'll need.


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