One simple system of record

The MERS ® eRegistry is the mortgage industry’s "system of record" for holders of eNotes. Its role is to indicate who holds the authoritative copy of the eNote, resulting in a seamless process for you, your borrowers, and your trading partners. The MERS ® eRegistry is designed to make your transition from paper promissory notes to eNotes convenient and secure as you move into the eMortgage space.

Featured customers

Save money and eliminate breaks in the chain of title

Reduce the costs associated with transferring mortgage rights by erasing the need for certain paper assignments.

MERS ® System

A national electronic database that tracks changes in mortgage servicing rights and beneficial ownership interests in loans secured by residential real estate.

MERS ® eRegistry

MERS ® eRegistry is the legal system of record for identifying the Controller (holder) and Location (custodian) for the authoritative copy of a registered eNote.

MERS ® eDelivery

Provide a secure method for distributing documents in any electronic format (SMART Doc, PDF, TIFF, etc.) from one MERS ® eRegistry user to another, using the existing MERS ® eRegistry infrastructure and transaction security requirements.

What customers are saying

“As early adopters of eNotes and RONs on the MERS ® eRegistry, at Mr. Cooper, we have been able to engage eNote originators as experts in the eMortgage space.”

Bryan Budd
SVP, Operations & Co-issue
Mr. Cooper

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